The first coating for brilliant and authentic vision without residual reflection

Optiplas O+ delivers boundless vision. The revolutionary coating was developed for you through use of the High Graduation System (HGS).

HGS is an innovative calculation system for the design of multiple layers in a coating. It includes the arrangement and precision of multiple anti-reflection layers and the widening over the spectral range of visible light from 380 nm to 750 nm.

Optiplas O+ offers two new and innovative properties:

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A residual reflection of 0.2% with maxium brilliance 

The extreme precision in the arrangement of the anti-reflection multiple layers using HGS reduces the residual reflection to an amazing 0.2%. The result: Maximum brilliance.

Colour and contrast perception – Sensitivity of Eye

The human eye reacts differently to colours and light intensities. Both parameters – colour tone and brightness – trigger different sensitivities. Different receptors in the human eye are the reason for this reaction.

The following diagram shows the progression of light and colour sensitivity of a human eye. The highest sensitivity is in the day at 560 nm and in the night at 530 nm.

Optiplas O+ has been developed taking into account eye sensitivity. The anti-reflection effect in the design of the layers has been purposely maximised in the range of 450 nm to 650 nm.