Progressive lenses


The loss of the eyes ability to accommodate is part of the natural ageing process. From birth onwards the human lens slowly loses elasticity and thus the ability to focus sharply at different distances. However, the reduction of the accommodation ability in people with normal sight does not normally become noticeable until the age of 40 – 50.

Wearing reading lenses is one option to correct presbyopia. However, constantly putting lenses on and taking them off can be very inconvenient in everyday life. The ideal solution are progressive lenses: they offer sharp vision for both close and distance view.


Um olho com Presbiopia
Um olho com presbiopia corrigida

Comparison of different types of progressive lenses

Progressive lenses are manufactured using the latest technology. They stand for very high quality and are extremely well tolerated. Optiswiss offers the right lens for every requirement, from standard progressive lenses up to high tech premium lenses.

Lentes progressivas normais

Lentes progressivas de qualidade

Lentes progressivas individuais

Vorteile individualisierter Gleitsichtgläser

Neben den Korrekturwerten, werden für die Berechnung des Designs von konventionellen Gleitsichtgläsern Mittelwerte herangezogen. Diese betragen für die Pupillendistanz 32,5 mm, die Vorneigung 9°, den Fassungsscheibenwinkel 5°, den Hornhautscheitelabstand 14,5 mm und für den Objektabstand Nähe (Leseabstand) 38 cm. Doch da jeder Mensch ein anderes, individuelles Sehverhalten hat, sind die Ergebnisse nicht immer zufriedenstellend.